
Thursday, February 17, 2011

We Survived

Strategic planning. Maneuvers. Logistics. We might be talking military here. But it's only us trying to make today work. Let's see. Baby Sister's well check (which included vaccinations), Big Sister's visit to the allergist, Granddaddy's doctor visit, and Grandmother's ukulele gig. And let's not forget it's testing day at school. Mommy and Grandmother must swap off at some point. Complete coordination.

We verbally rehearsed variations of the plan that would get everyone where they need to be at the proper time. Adjustments were made, trying to allow for the unforeseen or the unexpected. No time for traffic snarls today. All the parts must fit together with precision. It's planned like a well-choreographed ballet. How on earth did we ever do this before cell phones were invented?

It wasn't much fun for anyone today---except maybe Grandmother and her ukulele gig. So, so glad there are not many days like today.


  1. Glad this day is done. I agree -- no fun for anyone (even Baby Sister's picture is sad.)


Hi, y'all! I love that you've taken time to tell me something here. Makes me feel like we're neighbors.