
Wednesday, July 11, 2012


"Come on in. Welcome to my new house..."

This blog has been temporarily interrupted by a huge move. 
Baby Sister and her family have relocated five states away. 

Daddy-O and I have tagged along to help with baby sitting,
unpacking and all the chores that a move involves.

It is hard to think that in a few days, this grandmother and granddaddy will head back to the farm, leaving the grandbabies here. But their new home is lovely. (Or it will be when we finish unpacking and find some coffee cups. And towels.) The neighbors seem friendly. And there are cows in a pasture just down the road. 

Big Sister was happy to find a Barnes & Noble, a Krispy Kreme and a Chick Fil A. It doesn't feel so different after all. We can sing Eensy Weensy Spider on Skype. And Big Sister has email now to keep us informed. It will be different but it will be fine.


  1. I hope they love it in their new home. Moving is so hard!!! You will be fine just as you said, but you will miss them terribly, I know. Why did we have to raise such strong, independent daughters!?

    1. We really wouldn't want them any other way, would we?


Hi, y'all! I love that you've taken time to tell me something here. Makes me feel like we're neighbors.