
Friday, December 5, 2014

One Bite At A Time

The Christmas elephant at our local tree lot in 2012.

I arrived at handbell practice at the last split second this week, as others were rushing in, too. Just before we started I chatted with the bell player beside me. We talked about our busy holiday schedules, wondering how we were going to get it all done. She said that at one of her many meetings this week, the same conversation happened there. And one man on that committee said in his thick Southern drawl, "Y'all don't need to worry about any of this. It's just like eating an elephant. Just eat it one bite at a time." 

In other words, don't get overwhelmed looking at the big work load ahead of you. Just focus on the task at hand. And I'm sticking by my last post—if I don't get everything done, I am going to be okay with that, too.

My music activities are over for this week (until Sunday.) Today is dedicated to baking for the bake sale tomorrow. Bread is rising. Fruit cake is cooling. Cinnamon rolls are in progress. I'll think about cooking for tomorrow's covered dish supper after the bake sale in the morning. "One bite at a time."

These were my little kitchen helpers at Christmas a long time ago. Miss having them nearby.

For the record, I am using Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Roll recipe. She has a great photo tutorial. Jessica has made these several times and they are always wonderful. A bonus is that the recipe makes SEVEN pans of cinnamon rolls! If you are to make the effort, might as well get a lot for your work.

I'll add a photo of the cinnamon rolls later. (I'm thinking positive. They WILL turn out fine.) So check back in a day or so to see how they came out.
Oh. My. Goodness.


  1. I'm sending positive cinnamon roll thoughts your way, but I'm also confident they will be wonderful! I have eggnog bread in the oven as I type.

    1. Oh my goodness, they were about the best thing I've ever made! (The last pan was just the little end pieces but even they were delicious.) Would you share your eggnog bread recipe? I've never heard of that.


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