
Monday, October 12, 2015

Full Bucket

Long, long ago I attended an inservice training and all these years later, I remember the key note speaker's words: "You HAVE to keep your bucket full!" He talked about how many people "dip into our buckets." Kids, spouses, work, volunteer obligations, school, church, family...all of these need something from us. Each time we respond to a need, it's a dip out of our bucket.

He reminded us how important it was for us to keep our own buckets full so that we can continue to help meet all of those needs. When you think you don't have time to do something for yourself, do it anyway. That's when you need it most. Somewhere recently I read that you should, "Spend 10 minutes in nature on the days you have time. Spend 20 minutes in nature on the days you don't have time!" Same kind of thinking.

This weekend was one that filled my bucket up to overflowing. I took a "road trip" last Friday with friends. Just a couple of hours up the road to the mountains for lunch and a little browsing. Then on Sunday I went to see the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in concert. (That red arrow points to my head. We sat second row center!) Another fun time with a friend and daughter Jessica.

And it's a good thing I filled my bucket up, because in the morning I'm headed out again to help Mommy tend to a sick Baby Girl. As long as she needs me. Hopefully she bounces back quickly like children can do. Glad I am available. And I am glad I am going to help with a "full bucket."

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