
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Winter Wind Up

[Trying to catch up on some blog photos that I've not posted yet.]

Just a quick peek at my knitting get away a couple of weekends ago.
It's a annual knitting retreat at a nearby (for me) camp at our local lake. 
Some knitters traveled much further to get here.

I enjoyed the knitters and the knitting time, but the outdoor beauty 
at the lake was another reason this retreat spot was special.
It was quiet and peaceful. A needed change of pace in our crazy world.

I never get tired of being at the lake, knitting or not. 
Walking outside is like hitting the reset button.

Thanks to the retreat organizer and the camp staff for making this all happen.
And thanks to those folks working in the dining hall.
Not cooking or even thinking of what to cook for a few days was fantastic.

I know a knitting retreat doesn't sound like fun to all of you. But there is something similar for every interest if you search for them. And some of you can't get away for several days. So find a way to "retreat" at home. Sit on your back steps with a cup of tea and don't go in until the cup is empty. If you are a mom of small children even this can be hard. But keep trying. It's worth it.

What is your favorite way to "retreat?" The big kind or the tiny kind.


  1. I used to love my scrapbooking weekends exactly for this reason, your beside the lake sounds idyllic! Maybe I should take up knitting and come next year?!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Wren x


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