
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Finding Your Tribe

At our knitting retreat a couple of weeks ago, the most memorable moment came when one of the younger knitters (we call them our "baby knitters") stood up for show & tell. As she showed us her beautiful knitting, she also told us how knitting, more specifically knitters, had been the answer to her prayer. While going through a difficult life event she had asked God to send her a tribe. She said she had expected that this tribe she asked for would appear in the area where she lived.

But in God's way, He answered differently. She found her tribe in a group of knitters, many of whom were at the retreat. These knitters don't all live in the same town. Not even all in the same state. But they have truly become her "tribe." There were a lot of damp eyes as she told her story.

I love that word—tribe. She has a younger vocabulary than those of us old enough to be her mother, or even grandmother. But I get it. A definition of "tribe" from Urban Dictionary explains it...
Tribe:  A group of friends that becomes your family.
The people that will be there for you no matter what and who you're guaranteed to have a good time with. Although people may not understand how close they are and their relationships with each other, it doesn't matter because they all understand it and love each other. 
Close friends, group of people who are loyal to you, care for you like family.

My tribe includes the friends I would call if I needed help. They have shown up at my door with food even when I didn't call. They just knew. My tribe also includes those far-flung friends who I feel close to even though we don't see each other often. In today's digital world it's easy to stay in touch. Those friends are like cheerleaders whose encouraging or supportive words arrive with a *ping* when life hits a bumpy patch. They also know.

There have been times in my life when there was no tribe. I can thankfully say that today I have one. At my age, I know that circumstances change. And they can change in the blink of an eye. But today I am blessed with a group of friends that take care of each other. That care about each other. That are there for each other. Can't ask for much more than that.

1 comment:

  1. This is a meaningful post to me and so true. Where would I be without my tribe? Even friends I've made through blogs are part of a certain tribe - I think of them and hope for the best for them. They encourage me, and I do the same for them. I do like that word "tribe!"


Hi, y'all! I love that you've taken time to tell me something here. Makes me feel like we're neighbors.