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Apple Pineapple Dump Cake |
Goodness, what a summer! (Is it still summer?Is it all over? I've lost track.) After many, many months of barely seeing family—at least close enough to touch them—we had an uninterrupted six weeks of family in residence. And for one of those weeks, we had the entire family together. That hasn't happened in nearly two years. It was fabulous. But it's taken me a couple more weeks to recover from all the fun.
We did some house swapping during this family time. Besides the farm, we have a lake cabin and its little sister cottage that sits a few feet away from the cabin. So after much moving around between "houses" it's been a bit of a treasure hunt to find things at home. Partly because we just forgot where things were. That was a long time to be away.
For most of the six weeks, we lived at the lake and let Mommy, J-Daddy and the little girls enjoy the wide open space at the farm. But they also had time at the lake to enjoy the water activities. Thankfully, the farm and the lake aren't too far apart, so we got to see them wherever they were.
The pandemic lockdown started just weeks after Little Lady was born, so Little Sister and Baby Girl had only see her once right after she was born. They were all excited to be together at long last. And Little Lady tried her best to do everything the big girls did. It was fun to watch it all.
We miss having them here, but it's also been good to settle down and do some of our regular things. One of the activities we've enjoyed during our year of stay-at-home is the virtual Chautauqua series from our local Chautuaqua society. Earlier this week we enjoyed a lecture on "Food Fads from the 1940s through the 1960s." I watched "with" a friend in Manhattan and we had so much fun texting as we listened, sharing our memories about many of these foods.
If you are interested, the lecture is available on YouTube until Thursday, August 5th, 2021. Here is the link and the description from the Spartanburg County Library:
"Remember Jell-O salads and cheese sprayed out of a can? When every pantry held Velveeta and all the kids wanted to drink Tang? Join historian and author Leslie Goddard for a nostalgic look at the food innovations and marketing approaches that transformed how we ate at midcentury."
And you might think I made this dessert the night of the lecture to be on theme. I did not. To be honest, I REALLY wanted dessert that night and this was the only thing I could come up with that used ingredients I had in the house. In my mind, it's a desperation dessert. But it certainly checked all the boxes of the food fad lecture!
1 (28-oz) can apple pie filling (the kind with extra fruit)
1 (20-oz) can crushed pineapple packed in juice
1 box yellow cake mix (the two layer size)
2 sticks (1 cup) of butter, melted
Spray or grease a 9x13-inch pan. (I lined mine with foil for easy clean-up. It was that kind of night.)
Dump ingredients into pan in this order: spread pie filling over the bottom of pan, pour crushed pineapple with the juice over the pie filling; sprinkle dry cake mix over the pineapple; pour melted butter over the dry cake mix. Don't stir.
Bake at 350º for 50 to 60 minutes, until golden brown.
You could swap the apple pie filling for another fruit filling. I've done this before with cherry pie filling. And you could sprinkle chopped nuts over the top before baking, too. We don't do nuts here any more, but the crunch of the toasted nuts would be a nice addition.
This is really rich, but it hit the spot. And hopefully satisfied my dessert craving for weeks to come. I would have added a scoop of ice cream to my dish if there had been any in the freezer. Of course, if there had been ice cream here, I wouldn't have made dessert!
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