Friday, June 16, 2023

Experimenting In The Kitchen

Sausage, Potatoes & Green Beans

Wouldn't you know it? The week I decide start learning more about my instant pot I read that the Instant Brands—maker of the Instant Pot—has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  Hopefully it's one of those things that the powers-that-be figure out and the regular workers keep on going. And now I hope that my own Instant Pot lasts forever.

I've had an Instant Pot for several years now. I have used it from time to time, but I've said more than once that if it died, I probably wouldn't replace it. But for reasons I can't explain I decided it was time to get bold with using it. I started with this Instant Pot recipe for dinner because I had a smoked sausage in the refrigerator. And I needed to start emptying the fridge before family arrives tomorrow and the groceries I stock will change over to groceries more suitable to larger families.

Let me say upfront that this is the kind of recipe that puts "instant" in the instant pot. So many Instant Pot recipes really aren't faster that a stovetop version. But they can cook unattended and that's reason enough for many people to embrace one.

I knew this was a gamble for out supper. I figured my husband might not want this. But I told him we had frozen pizza if supper was a dud. After we finished eating Daddy-O said, "Be sure to tell them that I really liked this. And I wasn't too sure when you told me what we were having for dinner. But this is really good!"  

Here is the recipe. So simple. So quick. So yummy. The green beans were perfectly cooked. I'll try cooking only green beans another time, using this cooking time.


1 cup low-sodium chicken broth

24-oz bag small red potatoes, cut into 1-inch chunks

1-1/2 lb fresh green beans, washed & ends trimmed

13-oz package turkey smoked sausage, sliced into 1/4-inch slices

2 teaspoons Montreal Chicken Seasoning, or to taste

4 tablespoons butter, cut into 8 pieces. (That’s a 1/2 stick)

Pour broth into pot. Add the prepared potatoes, beans and sausage and sprinkle with Montreal seasoning. Give it a stir. Put butter pieces on top.

Place lid on pot. Turn valve to “seal” and press Manual button. 

Set timer to 3 minutes. (High pressure) 

When time it up, do a Quick Release. Give it all a gentle stir.

  • To make this super easy, I chose a 24-oz “steam in the bag” package of red potatoes. They are prewashed. I quartered them. 
  • Do not use canned green beans for this. They would be mushy after cooking.
  • I didn’t weigh the green beans. Bought a bag of fresh ones and trimmed ends until it looked like enough.
  • I used a 6-qt pot. 

For as much as Daddy-O liked the main dish, his first words at the supper table were, "This toast is OUTSTANDING!" I won't argue. It was really good. And I used my new little air fryer. 

I have resisted buying one for ages when all around me raved about them. Last week I ordered Dash Mini 2.6-qt. air fryer. I've only had it long enough to try a couple of things. I had resisted an air fryer because I didn't want to have to learn to use another appliance. And I didn't want another big thing sitting on the counter. This one is small, suitable for 1 or 2 servings. And that's fine for our household. 

After looking at a few recipes, I cooked chicken strips. And when I realized I could take the basket out and look at the food. Just like looking at food in the oven to see when it's ready.  I relaxed about figuring out the exact cooking time. 

So tonight I popped a couple of slices of frozen garlic bread in the air fryer set to 400º. I checked in about 3 minutes and it looked nice and brown, but when I picked it up the bottom was soggy. So I turned it over and let it cook for another couple of minutes. And as Daddy-O said....OUTSTANDING! It was golden brown and crunchy. And it was all done in less time that it takes to preheat my oven. 

This little air fryer would only hold 2 slices, but that's all we needed.

Friday, June 9, 2023

5-Minute Lunch

Cottage Cheese Toast

How did it get to be June? Like into the second week of June already. I know lazy summer days are often secretly busy days. We might not be doing our regular schedule but it can easily be filled with summer things that will keep you just as busy. Vacations. Family visits. Gardening. (not me) Grandparent camp.

So in the spirit of needing the quickest, the easiest meal ever, here is what I had for lunch 3 days in the past week. You don't need a "recipe." Just look at the picture. 

It's cottage cheese on toast, topped with diced cherry tomatoes (salt & pepper them) and fresh basil. Then drizzle it with balsamic glaze. That's it. I did add some Everything But The Bagel seasoning the last 2 times. 

I read last week that cottage cheese is the new avocado. Whatever you call it, it seems that cottage cheese is having it's moment in the spotlight. I've always liked it. (Remember when a hamburger patty with a side of cottage cheese on a pineapple slice was called "a diet plate" in restaurants?) You can use this idea and then try other toppings. Sliced fruit on top drizzled with honey sounds pretty yummy to me.

I did use different whole wheat breads. It was all good but the sturdier kind, like Dave's Killer Bread, was my favorite.

And yes, it's really 5 minutes. Pop the bread in the toaster and while it's getting all brown and crunchy, dice the tomatoes, sliver up the basil and grab the cottage cheese from the fridge. When the toaster dings, you will be ready to pile on the toppings.

Enjoy your summer! Stay safe. And I'll see you back here when I can. Grandchildren start arriving in a few days. It's gonna be busy.