Monday, October 14, 2024

Hurricanes Are Fattening

Easy Vegetable Soup

Stress eating anyone? Has it happened to you? I'm finding it hard NOT to be stressed right now. We are still trying to get things done post storm—along with everyone else who needs contractors and tree services and insurance adjusters at the same time. Again, I am so aware that we are okay. We are the lucky ones. But it still has be be dealt with.

Every time I make the 30 minute trip into town, I ride through winding wooded country roads. I knew the storm blew hard through there. But after a couple of weeks, it looks even worse. But the green leaves are falling and the leaves on the downed trees have turned brown and have shriveled, so I can see more now. Huge root balls where big trees were uprooted are in the woods, in people's yards, in public spaces. Big gaping holes, enormous holes are left where the trees pulled up. No doubt what color our soil is here. We live in red clay territory.  

The news? All disturbing. I only watch the highlights in the morning now. We can't live in a hole or under a rock, but I can limit how much TV news I see. I think most of us are dealing a little more stress than usual right at this moment in time.

And that's how I found myself doing some major stress eating for the last couple of weeks. Then I visited the doctor several days ago and I had to step on the scales. Standard procedure. When I saw the number, I told the nurse that obviously hurricanes are fattening! She laughed and agreed. Junk food. More snacking because we weren't doing anything else for days. Eating what was the easiest to make, maybe without power. 

So last weekend I made a big pot of my "get back on track soup." The recipe has been on the blog for years. It was a WW recipe.  Over the years, I have tweaked it enough to share again. It's still a very light soup. But it's tasty and it's filling. I don't mind eating it for several days in a row. It really helps me move back into a better pattern. I don't have to think of what "healthy" recipe to cook for a few days. I promised Daddy-O  that while I eat this soup for days, I would make him anything he wanted. He doesn't love soup, but he will eat a small bowl as a side dish. At least I know he's getting vegetables.


1 16- oz bag frozen vegetables for soup
1/2 medium head cabbage, finely chopped
1 medium onion, diced  (or 1/2 large onion)
1 15-oz can cut green beans, drained
1 28-oz can crushed tomatoes
1 pkg dry Ranch Dressing mix (all I had this time was dip mix)
1 tomato can full of water (swish to get all of the tomatoes) that's about 2 cups
1-quart low sodium chicken broth 
freshly ground black pepper, to taste 

Put all ingredients into a pot. Bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer for 45 minutes or longer, until vegetables are as tender as you like them. We like ours cooked longer, until the cabbage is very tender. This time I probably let it simmer a little over an hour.

There is no meat in this. (Much to Daddy-O's dismay.) You can certainly add some. I have added cooked chicken, leftover roast, etc. But when I'm in this "less is more" mode, I prefer just the vegetables. In my mug of soup, I like to crumble two saltine crackers into it. That's how we ate soup growing up, so for me it's comfort food.

And last night I enjoyed "comfort food" for my soul. We had a concert at our church that had been scheduled months ago. The college students who sang had just gotten back to campus after it was closed for a couple of weeks to get things up and running. I sat in our very old sanctuary (built in 1857), looking at the evening sun stream through our beautiful stained glass windows and listened to the rich harmonies of old hymns. And I let the words "peace like a like an ocean" seep into my being. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh Diane I have a friend in South Carolina who has described to me the same thing. Strong wishes to you for help sooner rather than later. The local authorities and emergency entities must be overwhelmed. We had a long-term home utility emergency not too long ago which involved a lot of stress eating also. Soup is such a good idea and homemade is essential. Even if I add chicken to your soup it will be much healthier and lower in calories than anything you can buy commercially. Thank you for the recipe. Chloe


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